Having simply a rotten time here in south France. The weather has been consistently about 32° C everyday, we’ve managed to sample only four varieties of blanquette de Limoux, have felt compelled to spend two full and two half days doing pretty much nul, and Gaston forgot both his telescoping umbrella to shelter himself whilst out walking and the cable that would allow either of us to hook our i-machines up to the sound system here at Montplaisir.
Whoa! woe are we.
However, we’ve decided to improve our touring efficiency to make up for the slow start, and en route back to the house from filling the trunk of our car up with my favourite wine in the Minervoix, we packed four chateaux into one single site visit. Yes, once again, I dragged Gaston up yet another pog—this time to check out the multitude of Lastour castle—in the heat of the day after sweltering in the car for hours. Further, by the time we arrived (We’re here!), the crowds had left the site to us and the light was turning its buttery-gold evening glow.
Just so you know, you can drag me up a pog anytime.