
Bastide Village #3. Bruniquel lacks the polish of Puycelci but bustles with residents and businesses.

This village’s defining feature is two chateaux. Sometime near the dawn of history, the lord of the manor misguidedly decided to forestall potential family squabbling over the spoils upon his death and willed the chateau to both of his children. This decision pleased nobody. In the end, the chateau grounds were divided in two, another chateau was constructed, and a wall was built to separate the two holdings.

Things got really interesting during the Wars of Religion, as the family in one chateau was Catholic, and the family just over the wall in the other chateau was Protestant.

Now both chateaux are reunited under common ownership by the townspeople of Bruniquel, who have removed the dividing wall and are working hard to finance maintenance and reconstruction. Very inspiring, but of course these monuments attract thousands pf tourists to the town, and help its cafés, shops, and inns.

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