All sorts of two-legged critters are migrating to school-supply bargain-hunting grounds south of the border this weekend. The last young of the summer are fledging and moving out of the nest into college residences.
And turkeys, pigs, and first-year university students are facing being fattened up in time for forthcoming feast days.
Variations on the Freshman 15—the extra body weight from eating the high-starch, high-sugar, high-fat diet so readily available in university cafeterias—manifest widely. So to speak.
But avoiding university carb-palaces doesn’t mean a student fresh from the farm chooses food wisely in his first months away. Kraft Dinner, after all, sells 75 million boxes of its bright-orange, cheesy-flavoured macaroni to Canadians each year—the greatest per capita sales of any country, and enough to have it proclaimed Canada’s national dish by the likes of Douglas Coupland.
Read the rest of this editorial in the Victoria Times Colonist….
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